Interpreter Services

Interpreter Services

Interpreter Services are services that work with only oral translations and they are used when there is a requirement to translate conversations. In the world of translation they would be considered more of a “hands on” and immediate translation resource. They are highly skilled and must be able to multitask when it comes to listening and simultaneously orally translating an ongoing conversation.

Interpreters Vs Translators

While interpreter services work with purely oral translation, translators support written content. Interpreters are always part of the conversation; translating as they go along. They must possess good public speaking skills and has to be someone who can think quickly on his/her feet.

There are different types of Interpreter services

Phone interpretation
This type of translation is done purely over the phone. There is no face to face interaction with either the client of interpreter. This type of interpretation could be also in the form of a conference call or tele presence call.

Onsite Interpretation
For all your business requirements where the physical presence of an interpreter is required. Onsite interpreter could be in-house resources, part-time resources or resources who are hired for a specific meeting or timeframe.

Multi interpretation
This is the process by which a single language (speeches, presentations, etc.) is simultaneously interpreted into multiple languages by multiple interpreters. This process would be used when three or more different languages are spoken within the group, for example at a UN conference.

Our bilingual in-country interpreters are highly skilled and trained professionals who will help you communicate accurately in any of the 150 languages we service. Our team of interpreter and Project Managers are available 24/7 to make your business or other multilingual interaction and smooth as possible.